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cpu_info cached

cpu_info() -> Dict[str, Any]

Get cached CPU information.

Source code in nos/common/
def cpu_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get cached CPU information."""
    return get_cpu_info()


sh(command: str) -> None

Execute shell command, returning stdout.

Source code in nos/common/
def sh(command: str) -> None:
    """Execute shell command, returning stdout."""
        output =, shell=True, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
        return output.stdout.strip()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        logger.debug(f"Failed to execute command: {command}")
        return None


get_nvidia_smi(df: bool = False) -> Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]]

Get nvidia-smi details, if installed.


  • df (bool, default: False ) –

    Return as pandas DataFrame.


  • Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]]

    nvidia-smi details as string or DataFrame.

Source code in nos/common/
def get_nvidia_smi(df: bool = False) -> Optional[Union[str, pd.DataFrame]]:
    """Get nvidia-smi details, if installed.

        df: Return as pandas DataFrame.

        nvidia-smi details as string or DataFrame.
    output = sh(
        "nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,driver_version,,, --format=csv"
    if output is None or not df:
        return output
    return pd.read_csv(StringIO(output), sep=", ", engine="python")


has_gpu() -> bool

Check if GPU is available.

Source code in nos/common/
def has_gpu() -> bool:
    """Check if GPU is available."""
    return get_nvidia_smi() is not None


has_docker() -> bool

Check if Docker is available.

Source code in nos/common/
def has_docker() -> bool:
    """Check if Docker is available."""
    return sh("docker --version") is not None


docker_compose_command() -> Optional[str]

Return the docker-compose command.

Source code in nos/common/
def docker_compose_command() -> Optional[str]:
    """Return the docker-compose command."""
    if sh("docker-compose --version") is not None:
        return "docker-compose"
    elif sh("docker compose version") is not None:
        return "docker compose"
        return None


has_docker_compose() -> bool

Check if Docker Compose is available.

Source code in nos/common/
def has_docker_compose() -> bool:
    """Check if Docker Compose is available."""
    return docker_compose_command() is not None


is_inside_docker() -> bool

Check if within Docker.

Source code in nos/common/
def is_inside_docker() -> bool:
    """Check if within Docker."""
    cgroup = "/proc/self/cgroup"
    return os.path.isfile("/.dockerenv") or os.path.isfile(cgroup) and any("docker" in line for line in open(cgroup))


is_apple() -> bool

Check if CPU is Apple.

Source code in nos/common/
def is_apple() -> bool:
    """Check if CPU is Apple."""
    return platform.system() == "Darwin"


is_apple_silicon() -> bool

Check if CPU is Apple Silicon.

Note (spillai): >> arch = "arm64" if is_apple_silicon() else "x86_64"

Source code in nos/common/
def is_apple_silicon() -> bool:
    """Check if CPU is Apple Silicon.

    Note (spillai):
        >> arch = "arm64" if is_apple_silicon() else "x86_64"
    info = cpu_info()
    brand = info["brand_raw"]
    return "apple m1" in brand.lower() or "apple m2" in brand.lower()


is_aws_inf1() -> bool

Check if instance is AWS Inf1.

Source code in nos/common/
def is_aws_inf1() -> bool:
    """Check if instance is AWS Inf1."""
    return sh("lspci | grep -i Inferentia1") is not None


is_aws_inf2() -> bool

Check if instance is AWS Inf2.

Source code in nos/common/
def is_aws_inf2() -> bool:
    """Check if instance is AWS Inf2."""
    return sh("lspci | grep -i Inferentia2") is not None


has_nvidia_docker() -> bool

Check if NVIDIA Docker is available.

Source code in nos/common/
def has_nvidia_docker() -> bool:
    """Check if NVIDIA Docker is available."""
    return sh("nvidia-docker") is not None


has_nvidia_docker_runtime_enabled() -> bool

Check if NVIDIA Docker runtime is available.

Source code in nos/common/
def has_nvidia_docker_runtime_enabled() -> bool:
    """Check if NVIDIA Docker runtime is available."""
    return sh("docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-base-ubuntu22.04 nvidia-smi") is not None


get_torch_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Get torch info, if installed.

Source code in nos/common/
def get_torch_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get torch info, if installed."""
        import torch

        return {
            "version": torch.__version__,
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        return None


get_torch_cuda_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Get torch CUDA info, if installed and available.

Source code in nos/common/
def get_torch_cuda_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get torch CUDA info, if installed and available."""
        import torch

        assert torch.cuda.is_available()
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() > 0
        cuda_info = {
            "cuda_version": torch.version.cuda,
            "cudnn_version": torch.backends.cudnn.version(),
            "device_count": torch.cuda.device_count(),
            "devices": [],

        # Note (spillai): NVIDIA SMI does not report the same order as torch.cuda
        # See torch.cuda and PCI_BUS_ID for more details.
            smi_df = get_nvidia_smi(df=True)
            cuda_info["driver_version"] = smi_df.driver_version[0]
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Failed to get nvidia-smi details: {e}")
            cuda_info["driver_version"] = None

        # Get GPU details via torch.cuda
        for device_id in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
            device = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(device_id)
            device_info = {
                "device_id": device_id,
                "device_capability": f"{device.major}.{device.minor}",
                "total_memory": device.total_memory,
                "total_memory_str": f"{device.total_memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024:.2f} GB",
                "multi_processor_count": device.multi_processor_count,
        return cuda_info
    except (ImportError, AssertionError):
        return None


get_torch_mps_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Get torch MPS info, if installed and available.

Source code in nos/common/
def get_torch_mps_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get torch MPS info, if installed and available."""
        import torch

        assert torch.backends.mps.is_available()
        mps_info = {
            "is_macos13_or_newer": torch.backends.mps.is_macos13_or_newer(),
        return mps_info
    except (ImportError, AssertionError):
        return None


get_docker_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Get docker version, if installed.

Source code in nos/common/
def get_docker_info() -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get docker version, if installed."""
    version = None
        import docker

        version = docker.__version__
    except (ImportError, docker.errors.APIError):

    compose_version = sh("docker compose version") or sh("docker-compose version")
    return {
        "version": sh("docker --version"),
        "sdk_version": version,
        "compose_version": compose_version,


get_system_info(docker: bool = False, gpu: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]

Get system information (including CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.)

Source code in nos/common/
def get_system_info(docker: bool = False, gpu: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get system information (including CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.)"""
    cpu = cpu_info()
    vmem = virtual_memory()

    info = {
        "system": {
            "system": platform.system(),
            "release": platform.release(),
            "version": platform.version(),
            "machine": platform.machine(),
            "architecture": platform.architecture(),
            "processor": platform.processor(),
            "python_implementation": platform.python_implementation(),
        "cpu": {
            "model": cpu["brand_raw"],
            "architecture": cpu["arch_string_raw"],
            "cores": {
                "physical": cpu_count(logical=False),
                "total": cpu_count(logical=True),
            "frequency": cpu_freq().max,
            "frequency_str": f"{(cpu_freq().max / 1000):.2f} GHz",
        "memory": {
            "used": vmem.used,
            "available": vmem.available,
    if docker:
        info["docker"] = get_docker_info()
    if gpu:
        torch_cuda_info = get_torch_cuda_info()
        torch_mps_info = get_torch_mps_info()
        if torch_cuda_info is not None:
            info["gpu"] = torch_cuda_info
        elif torch_mps_info is not None:
            info["gpu"] = torch_mps_info
            info["gpu"] = None
    return info


check_runtime_dependencies(deps: Union[str, List[str]]) -> bool

Check if runtime dependencies are installed.

Source code in nos/common/
def check_runtime_dependencies(deps: Union[str, List[str]]) -> bool:
    """Check if runtime dependencies are installed."""
    if isinstance(deps, str):
        deps = [deps]

    # Check if all dependencies are installed
    dependency_table = {"docker": has_docker, "docker-compose": has_docker_compose, "nvidia-docker": has_nvidia_docker}

    satisfied = True
    for dep in deps:
        if dep not in dependency_table:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid dependency: {dep}, available dependencies: {dependency_table.keys()}")
        satisfied &= dependency_table[dep]()
        if not satisfied:
            return False
    return satisfied