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🔥 Quickstart

🛠️ Install Dependencies

You will need to install Docker, Nvidia Docker and Docker Compose.

On Linux, you can install Docker and Docker Compose via the following commands:

sudo apt-get update \
&& sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin \
&& sudo systemctl restart docker

Next, let's install Nvidia Docker. This will install the NVIDIA docker and container toolkit which is required to run GPU accelerated containers. This is only required if you plan to run the NOS server with GPU support.

sudo apt-get install nvidia-docker2 nvidia-container-toolkit-base

Finally, you should be able to run the following command without any errors and the nvidia-smi output:

docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-base-ubuntu22.04 nvidia-smi

If you run into issues, refer to the official Nvidia install guide or just ping us on #nos-support.

👩‍💻 Install NOS

We highly recommend doing all of the following inside of a Conda or Virtualenv environment. You can install Conda on your machine following the official guide. Create a new env:

conda create -n nos python=3.8
conda activate nos

pip install torch-nos

If you plan to run the NOS server locally (i.e. outside docker), you will also need to install the server extra dependencies:

pip install 'torch-nos[server]'


We currently only support running the NOS server on Linux with GPUs.


Python 3.8 is currently required to run the server on MacOS due to Ray requirements. If you don't plan to run the server locally then this requirement can be relaxed.

⚡️ Start the NOS backend server

You can start the nos server programmatically via either the CLI or SDK:

You can start the nos server via the NOS serve CLI:

nos serve up

Optionally, to use the REST API, you can start an HTTP gateway proxy alongside the gRPC server:

nos serve up --http


You can look at the full list of serve CLI options here.

You can start the nos server programmatically via the NOS SDK:

import nos


We're now ready to issue our first inference request with NOS!

🚀 Run Inference

Try out an inference request via the Python SDK:

from nos.client import Client, TaskType
client = Client()

sdv2 = client.Module("stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1")
sdv2(prompts=["fox jumped over the moon"],
     width=512, height=512, num_images=1)


Resource Requirements

Most Macbook laptops don't meet the resource requirements for running most NOS models. This will cause the server to fail initialization with error messages describing resource constraints.

MacOS dependencies

There is currently an issue causing a dependency import (grpcio) to fail on MacOS Darwin: symbol not found in flat namespace '_kCFStreamPropertySocketNativeHandle'

We're working on resolving this. In the meantime please rebuild grpcio from source with an additional flag:

pip uninstall grpcio
export GRPC_PYTHON_LDFLAGS=" -framework CoreFoundation"
pip install grpcio --no-binary :all:

If you run into other issues after following this guide, feel free to ping us on #nos-support.