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Serving custom models

In this guide, we will walk you through how to serve custom models with NOS. We will use the WhisperX model to build a custom runtime environment with docker, load the model and serve it via a gRPC/REST API. Feel free to navigate to nos-playground/examples/whisperx for a full working example.

Here's the a short demo of the serving developer-experience:


👩‍💻 Defining the custom model

The first step is to define the custom model in models/ Here we're using the popular WhisperX for transcribing audio files. Let's define a simple WhisperX class that wraps the whisperx package, loads the model and transcribes an audio file to a Python dictionary given its path.

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import torch

class WhisperX:
    def __init__(self, model_name: str = "large-v2"):
        import whisperx

        self.device_str = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
        self.device = torch.device(self.device_str)
        self.model = whisperx.load_model(model_name, self.device_str, compute_type="float16")
        self._load_align_model = whisperx.load_align_model
        self._align = whisperx.align

    def transcribe(
        path: Path,
        batch_size: int = 24,
        align_output: bool = True,
        language_code: str = "en",
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Transcribe the audio file."""
        with torch.inference_mode():
            result: Dict[str, Any] = self.model.transcribe(str(path), batch_size=batch_size)
            if align_output:
                alignment_model, alignment_metadata = self._load_align_model(
                    language_code=language_code, device=self.device_str
                result = self._align(
        return result
Modular custom model registry

You will note that this file has nothing to do with NOS or it's dependencies. It is simply a regular Python class that wraps the whisperx package and loads the model. The transcribe method simply calls the transcribe method of the whisperx model and returns the result. This modularity is very much intentional as we would like to make sure that developers are not required to lock-in to any particular serving framework (i.e. ours), and instead focus on their specific modeling needs.

📦 Defining the custom runtime environment

In the models/ example shown above, we import whisperx which is a Python package that is not available in the default NOS runtime environment. To serve the model, we need to define a custom runtime environment that includes the whisperx package. We can do this by creating a custom docker runtime that installs the whisperx package and any other dependencies. o With NOS, you simply define the custom runtime environment as part of the "images" key in a serve.yaml file. In the example below, we define a custom runtime environment called whisperx-gpu that is based on the autonomi/nos:0.1.0-gpu docker image. We then install the whisperx package and any other dependencies using the pip and run sub-commands.


You can look at the full list of serve CLI options here. The full serve.yaml specification is available here.

    base: autonomi/nos:0.1.0-gpu
      - torchaudio>=2
      - faster-whisper>=0.8
      - transformers
      - ffmpeg-python>=0.2
      - pandas
      - setuptools>=65
      - nltk
    workdir: /app/whisperx
      - pip install --no-deps git+

    model_cls: WhisperX
    model_path: models/
    default_method: transcribe
    runtime_env: whisperx-gpu

📦 Registering the custom whisperx model

The serve.yaml file also allows you to specify the custom mbain-whisperx model that needs to be registered with NOS before you can serve it. The model_cls key specifies the class that we want to wrap and serve, and the model_path key specifies the corresponding path to the file. The default_method: transcribe key specifies the default method to call when the model is served. Finally, the runtime_env: whisperx-gpu key specifies the custom runtime docker environment that we defined above.

Via the serve.yaml, NOS automatically registers the new WhisperX model under a unique model-id, i.e. mbain-whisperx in this example. You can use the model-id to serve the model via a gRPC/REST API. For example, in order to use the client to call the transcribe method of the WhisperX model, we can simply do the following:
from nos.client import Client

client = Client()


While the default_method key allows you to specify a specific method to call, all methods of the class are also made available as callables through the exposed gRPC/REST API. For example,

🚀 Serving the custom model

Now that we have defined the custom model and runtime environment, we can serve the model with NOS. To do this, we simply run the nos serve command and specify the serve.yaml file.

nos serve up -c serve.yaml

Optionally, you can also start an HTTP gateway so that you can serve the model via a REST API. To do this, you can simply run the following command:

nos serve up -c serve.yaml --http


Under the hood, nos serve builds a new custom runtime image based on the whisperx-gpu runtime environment we defined above. It then dyanmically registers the WhsiperX model class and serves it with the NOS inference server, exposing its methods via a gRPC/REST API. In this case, serving is done in a containerized environment, along-side the sidecar HTTP gateway (if specified).

📡 Using the custom model

Once the model is served, we can use the client to call the transcribe method of the WhisperX model.
from nos.client import Client

client = Client()
client.WaitForServer()  # Wait for the server to start

model = client.Module("mbain-whisperx")
with client.UploadFile("test.wav") as remote_path:
    response = model.transcribe(path=remote_path)
    assert isinstance(response, dict)
    assert "segments" in response

for item in response["segments"]:
    assert "start" in item
    assert "end" in item
    assert "text" in item

In the example above, we use the client to call the transcribe method of the WhisperX model. We first upload the test.wav file to the server and then call the transcribe method with the remote path. The transcribe method returns a dictionary with the transcribed segments, just like the original WhisperX model, except that you have used the client-side API to have a remote server do the inference for you.


In this example, you could have also called model(path=remote_path) directly, since we registered transcribe as the default_method in the serve.yaml file.

That's it! You have successfully served a custom model with NOS.