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Registry for models.

Source code in nos/hub/
class Hub:
    """Registry for models."""

    _instance: Optional["Hub"] = None
    """Singleton instance."""
    _registry: Dict[str, ModelSpec] = {}
    """Model specifications lookup for all models registered."""

    def get(cls: "Hub") -> "Hub":
        """Get the singleton instance.

            Hub: Singleton instance.
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = cls()
            # Register models / Populate the registry
            import nos.models  # noqa: F401, E402
        return cls._instance

    def __contains__(self, model_id: str) -> bool:
        return model_id in self.get()._registry

    def list(cls, private: bool = False) -> List[str]:
        """List models in the registry.

            private (bool): Whether to include private models.

            List[str]: List of model names.
        if private:
            raise NotImplementedError("Private models not supported.")
        return [k for k in cls.get()._registry.keys()]

    def load_spec(cls, model_id: str) -> ModelSpec:
        """Load model spec from the registry.

            model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).

            ModelSpec: Model specification.
            return cls.get()._registry[model_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(f"Unavailable model (name={model_id}).")

    def load(cls, model_id: str) -> Any:
        """Instantiate model from the registry.

            model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).

            Any: Instantiated model.
        spec: ModelSpec = cls.load_spec(model_id)
        # Note (spillai): Loading the default signature here is OK
        # since all the signatures have the same `func_or_cls`.
        sig: FunctionSignature = spec.default_signature
        return sig.func_or_cls(*sig.init_args, **sig.init_kwargs)

    def register(
        model_id: str,
        task: TaskType,
        func_or_cls: Callable,
        init_args: Tuple[Any] = (),
        init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},  # noqa: B006
        method: str = "__call__",
        inputs: Dict[str, Any] = {},  # noqa: B006
        outputs: Union[Any, Dict[str, Any], None] = None,  # noqa: B006
        resources: ModelResources = None,
    ) -> ModelSpec:
        """Model registry decorator.

            model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).
            task (TaskType): Task type (e.g. `TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D`).
            func_or_cls (Type[Any]): Model function or class.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
            ModelSpec: Model specification.
            f"""Registering model [model={model_id}, task={task}, func_or_cls={func_or_cls}, """
            f"""inputs={inputs}, outputs={outputs}, """
            f"""init_args={init_args}, init_kwargs={init_kwargs}, method={method}]"""

        # Create signature
        signature: Dict[str, FunctionSignature] = {
            method: FunctionSignature(

        # Get hub instance
        hub = cls.get()

        # Add metadata for the model
        catalog = ModelSpecMetadataCatalog.get()
        spec = ModelSpec(model_id, signature=signature)
        logger.debug(f"Created model spec [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")

        # Add task metadata for the model
        if task is not None:
            metadata = ModelSpecMetadata(model_id, method, task)
            catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = metadata

        # Add model resources
        if resources is not None:
            catalog._resources_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = resources

        # Register model id to model spec registry
        if model_id not in hub._registry:
            hub._registry[model_id] = spec
            logger.debug(f"Registered model to hub registry [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")

        # Add another signature if the model is already registered
            _spec = hub._registry[model_id]
            if method not in _spec.signature:
                    f"Adding task signature [model={model_id}, task={task}, method={method}, sig={spec.signature}]"
                _spec.signature[method] = spec.signature[method]
                catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = spec.metadata(method)
                    f"Task signature already registered [model={model_id}, task={task}, method={method}, sig={spec.signature}]"

        logger.debug(f"Registered model [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")
        return spec

    def register_spec(cls, spec: ModelSpec, task: TaskType = None, resources: ModelResources = None) -> ModelSpec:
        """Register model spec to the registry.

            spec (ModelSpec): Model specification.
            task (TaskType): Task type (e.g. `TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D`).
            resources (ModelResources): Model resources.
            ModelSpec: Model specification.
        logger.debug(f"Registering model spec [id={}, spec={spec}]")

        # Get hub instance
        hub = cls.get()

        # Add metadata for the model
        catalog = ModelSpecMetadataCatalog.get()

        # Add task metadata for the model
        if task is not None:
            metadata = ModelSpecMetadata(, spec.default_method, task)
            catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{}/{spec.default_method}"] = metadata

        # Add model resources
        if resources is not None:
            catalog._resources_catalog[f"{}/{spec.default_method}"] = resources

        # Register model id to model spec registry
        if not in hub._registry:
            hub._registry[] = spec
            logger.debug(f"Registered model spec [id={}, spec={spec}]")
        return spec

    def register_from_yaml(cls, filename: str) -> List[Any]:
        """Register models from a catalog YAML.

            filename (str): Path to the deployment config YAML file.
            List[ModelSpec]: List of model specifications.

        class _ModelImportConfig:
            """Model import configuration."""

            id: str
            """Model identifier."""
            runtime_env: str
            """Runtime environment."""
            model_path: str
            """Model path."""
            model_cls: Callable
            """Model class name."""
            default_method: str
            """Default model method name."""
            init_args: Tuple[Any, ...] = field(default_factory=tuple)
            """Arguments to initialize the model instance."""
            init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
            """Keyword arguments to initialize the model instance."""
            deployment: ModelDeploymentSpec = field(default_factory=ModelDeploymentSpec)
            """Model deployment specification."""

            def _validate_model_cls_import(cls, values):
                """Validate the model."""
                import importlib
                import importlib.util
                import sys

                model_cls_name = values.kwargs.get("model_cls")
                model_path = values.kwargs.get("model_path")

                # Check if model_path is a valid path relative to the directory containing
                # the catalog.yaml file.
                model_path = Path(filename).parent / model_path
                if not model_path.exists():
                    logger.error(f"Invalid model path provided, model_path={model_path}.")
                    raise FileNotFoundError(f"Invalid model path provided, model_path={model_path}.")

                # Check if the model_cls is importable from the model_path
                    # Load `model_cls` from the `model_path`
                    logger.debug(f"Loading model class [model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}].")
                    logger.debug(f"Added model path to sys.path [model_path={model_path.parent}].")
                    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(model_cls_name, model_path)
                    logger.debug(f"Loaded spec from file location [spec={spec}].")
                    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
                    logger.debug(f"Loaded module from spec [module={module}].")
                    logger.debug(f"Executed module [module={module}].")
                    model_cls = getattr(module, model_cls_name)
                    logger.debug(f"Loaded model class [model_cls={model_cls}].")
                except Exception as e:
                    import traceback

                    tback_str = traceback.format_exc()
                        f"Failed to import model class, model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}, e={e}\n\n{tback_str}."
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Invalid model class provided, model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}, e={e}\n\n{tback_str}."

                return values

        # Check if the file exists and has a YAML extension
        path = Path(filename)
        logger.debug(f"Loading deployment configuration from {path}")
        if not path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"YAML file {path.absolute()} does not exist")
        if not (".yaml") or".yml")):
            raise ValueError(f"YAML file {path.absolute()} must have a .yaml or .yml extension")

        # Load the YAML file
        with"r") as f:
            data = yaml.safe_load(f)
        if "models" not in data:
            raise ValueError("Missing `models` specification in the YAML file")

        # Service the models
        services: List[ModelServiceSpec] = []
        for model_id, mconfig in data["models"].items():
            # Check if the model is already registered
            logger.debug(f"Checking if model is already registered [id={model_id}].")
                spec: ModelSpec = cls.load_spec(model_id)
                deployment: ModelDeploymentSpec = ModelDeploymentSpec(**mconfig.get("deployment", {}))
                logger.debug(f"Model already registered [id={model_id}, spec={spec}, deployment={deployment}]")
                services.append(ModelServiceSpec(model=spec, deployment=deployment))
                logger.debug(f"Registered service [id={model_id}, svc={services[-1]}]")
            except KeyError as e:
                logger.error(f"Failed to load model spec, model_id={model_id}, e={e}")

            # If the model_id is not previously registered, register it
            # Add the model id to the config
            mconfig.update({"id": model_id})

            # Generate the model spec from the config
                mconfig = _ModelImportConfig(**mconfig)
            except (ValidationError, PydanticUserError) as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid model config provided, filename={filename}, e={e}")

            # Register the model as a custom model
            spec = ModelSpec.from_cls(
            cls.register_spec(spec, task=TaskType.CUSTOM, resources=mconfig.deployment.resources)
            services.append(ModelServiceSpec(model=spec, deployment=mconfig.deployment))
            logger.debug(f"Registered service [id={model_id}, svc={services[-1]}]")
        return services

    def register_from_catalog(cls):
        """Register models from the catalog.

        The current workflow for registering models is as follows:
         - Load all .yaml files from the environment variable `NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH`
         - Register models from each of the catalog files (via `register_from_yaml`)

            `register_from_catalog` -> `register_from_yaml` -> `register`

            TypeError: If `NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH` is not a string.
            FileNotFoundError: If a specified catalog file does not exist.
        import os

        warn_msg = "register_from_catalog will be deprecated soon, use register_from_yaml instead."

        NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH = os.getenv("NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH", "")
        if not isinstance(NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH, str):
            raise TypeError(f"NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH must be a string, got {type(NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH)}")

        logger.debug("Loading hub models from catalog.")
        paths: List[Path] = [
            for filename in NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH.split(":")
            if filename.endswith(".yaml") or filename.endswith(".yml")
        logger.debug(f"Found {len(paths)} catalog files.")

        specs = []
        for path in paths:
            logger.debug(f"Loading catalog file {path}.")
            if not path.exists():
                raise FileNotFoundError(f"Catalog file {path} does not exist.")
            _specs = cls.register_from_yaml(str(path))
        logger.debug(f"Registered {len(specs)} models from catalog.")

get classmethod

get() -> Hub

Get the singleton instance.


  • Hub ( Hub ) –

    Singleton instance.

Source code in nos/hub/
def get(cls: "Hub") -> "Hub":
    """Get the singleton instance.

        Hub: Singleton instance.
    if cls._instance is None:
        cls._instance = cls()
        # Register models / Populate the registry
        import nos.models  # noqa: F401, E402
    return cls._instance

list classmethod

list(private: bool = False) -> List[str]

List models in the registry.


  • private (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to include private models.


  • List[str]

    List[str]: List of model names.

Source code in nos/hub/
def list(cls, private: bool = False) -> List[str]:
    """List models in the registry.

        private (bool): Whether to include private models.

        List[str]: List of model names.
    if private:
        raise NotImplementedError("Private models not supported.")
    return [k for k in cls.get()._registry.keys()]

load_spec classmethod

load_spec(model_id: str) -> ModelSpec

Load model spec from the registry.


  • model_id (str) –

    Model identifier (e.g. openai/clip-vit-base-patch32).


  • ModelSpec ( ModelSpec ) –

    Model specification.

Source code in nos/hub/
def load_spec(cls, model_id: str) -> ModelSpec:
    """Load model spec from the registry.

        model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).

        ModelSpec: Model specification.
        return cls.get()._registry[model_id]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError(f"Unavailable model (name={model_id}).")

load classmethod

load(model_id: str) -> Any

Instantiate model from the registry.


  • model_id (str) –

    Model identifier (e.g. openai/clip-vit-base-patch32).


  • Any ( Any ) –

    Instantiated model.

Source code in nos/hub/
def load(cls, model_id: str) -> Any:
    """Instantiate model from the registry.

        model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).

        Any: Instantiated model.
    spec: ModelSpec = cls.load_spec(model_id)
    # Note (spillai): Loading the default signature here is OK
    # since all the signatures have the same `func_or_cls`.
    sig: FunctionSignature = spec.default_signature
    return sig.func_or_cls(*sig.init_args, **sig.init_kwargs)

register classmethod

register(model_id: str, task: TaskType, func_or_cls: Callable, init_args: Tuple[Any] = (), init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, method: str = '__call__', inputs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, outputs: Union[Any, Dict[str, Any], None] = None, resources: ModelResources = None, **kwargs) -> ModelSpec

Model registry decorator.


  • model_id (str) –

    Model identifier (e.g. openai/clip-vit-base-patch32).

  • task (TaskType) –

    Task type (e.g. TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D).

  • func_or_cls (Type[Any]) –

    Model function or class.

  • **kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments.

Returns: ModelSpec: Model specification.

Source code in nos/hub/
def register(
    model_id: str,
    task: TaskType,
    func_or_cls: Callable,
    init_args: Tuple[Any] = (),
    init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {},  # noqa: B006
    method: str = "__call__",
    inputs: Dict[str, Any] = {},  # noqa: B006
    outputs: Union[Any, Dict[str, Any], None] = None,  # noqa: B006
    resources: ModelResources = None,
) -> ModelSpec:
    """Model registry decorator.

        model_id (str): Model identifier (e.g. `openai/clip-vit-base-patch32`).
        task (TaskType): Task type (e.g. `TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D`).
        func_or_cls (Type[Any]): Model function or class.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
        ModelSpec: Model specification.
        f"""Registering model [model={model_id}, task={task}, func_or_cls={func_or_cls}, """
        f"""inputs={inputs}, outputs={outputs}, """
        f"""init_args={init_args}, init_kwargs={init_kwargs}, method={method}]"""

    # Create signature
    signature: Dict[str, FunctionSignature] = {
        method: FunctionSignature(

    # Get hub instance
    hub = cls.get()

    # Add metadata for the model
    catalog = ModelSpecMetadataCatalog.get()
    spec = ModelSpec(model_id, signature=signature)
    logger.debug(f"Created model spec [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")

    # Add task metadata for the model
    if task is not None:
        metadata = ModelSpecMetadata(model_id, method, task)
        catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = metadata

    # Add model resources
    if resources is not None:
        catalog._resources_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = resources

    # Register model id to model spec registry
    if model_id not in hub._registry:
        hub._registry[model_id] = spec
        logger.debug(f"Registered model to hub registry [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")

    # Add another signature if the model is already registered
        _spec = hub._registry[model_id]
        if method not in _spec.signature:
                f"Adding task signature [model={model_id}, task={task}, method={method}, sig={spec.signature}]"
            _spec.signature[method] = spec.signature[method]
            catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{model_id}/{method}"] = spec.metadata(method)
                f"Task signature already registered [model={model_id}, task={task}, method={method}, sig={spec.signature}]"

    logger.debug(f"Registered model [id={model_id}, spec={spec}]")
    return spec

register_spec classmethod

register_spec(spec: ModelSpec, task: TaskType = None, resources: ModelResources = None) -> ModelSpec

Register model spec to the registry.


  • spec (ModelSpec) –

    Model specification.

  • task (TaskType, default: None ) –

    Task type (e.g. TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D).

  • resources (ModelResources, default: None ) –

    Model resources.

Returns: ModelSpec: Model specification.

Source code in nos/hub/
def register_spec(cls, spec: ModelSpec, task: TaskType = None, resources: ModelResources = None) -> ModelSpec:
    """Register model spec to the registry.

        spec (ModelSpec): Model specification.
        task (TaskType): Task type (e.g. `TaskType.OBJECT_DETECTION_2D`).
        resources (ModelResources): Model resources.
        ModelSpec: Model specification.
    logger.debug(f"Registering model spec [id={}, spec={spec}]")

    # Get hub instance
    hub = cls.get()

    # Add metadata for the model
    catalog = ModelSpecMetadataCatalog.get()

    # Add task metadata for the model
    if task is not None:
        metadata = ModelSpecMetadata(, spec.default_method, task)
        catalog._metadata_catalog[f"{}/{spec.default_method}"] = metadata

    # Add model resources
    if resources is not None:
        catalog._resources_catalog[f"{}/{spec.default_method}"] = resources

    # Register model id to model spec registry
    if not in hub._registry:
        hub._registry[] = spec
        logger.debug(f"Registered model spec [id={}, spec={spec}]")
    return spec

register_from_yaml classmethod

register_from_yaml(filename: str) -> List[Any]

Register models from a catalog YAML.


  • filename (str) –

    Path to the deployment config YAML file.

Returns: List[ModelSpec]: List of model specifications.

Source code in nos/hub/
def register_from_yaml(cls, filename: str) -> List[Any]:
    """Register models from a catalog YAML.

        filename (str): Path to the deployment config YAML file.
        List[ModelSpec]: List of model specifications.

    class _ModelImportConfig:
        """Model import configuration."""

        id: str
        """Model identifier."""
        runtime_env: str
        """Runtime environment."""
        model_path: str
        """Model path."""
        model_cls: Callable
        """Model class name."""
        default_method: str
        """Default model method name."""
        init_args: Tuple[Any, ...] = field(default_factory=tuple)
        """Arguments to initialize the model instance."""
        init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
        """Keyword arguments to initialize the model instance."""
        deployment: ModelDeploymentSpec = field(default_factory=ModelDeploymentSpec)
        """Model deployment specification."""

        def _validate_model_cls_import(cls, values):
            """Validate the model."""
            import importlib
            import importlib.util
            import sys

            model_cls_name = values.kwargs.get("model_cls")
            model_path = values.kwargs.get("model_path")

            # Check if model_path is a valid path relative to the directory containing
            # the catalog.yaml file.
            model_path = Path(filename).parent / model_path
            if not model_path.exists():
                logger.error(f"Invalid model path provided, model_path={model_path}.")
                raise FileNotFoundError(f"Invalid model path provided, model_path={model_path}.")

            # Check if the model_cls is importable from the model_path
                # Load `model_cls` from the `model_path`
                logger.debug(f"Loading model class [model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}].")
                logger.debug(f"Added model path to sys.path [model_path={model_path.parent}].")
                spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(model_cls_name, model_path)
                logger.debug(f"Loaded spec from file location [spec={spec}].")
                module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
                logger.debug(f"Loaded module from spec [module={module}].")
                logger.debug(f"Executed module [module={module}].")
                model_cls = getattr(module, model_cls_name)
                logger.debug(f"Loaded model class [model_cls={model_cls}].")
            except Exception as e:
                import traceback

                tback_str = traceback.format_exc()
                    f"Failed to import model class, model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}, e={e}\n\n{tback_str}."
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Invalid model class provided, model_cls={model_cls_name}, model_path={model_path}, e={e}\n\n{tback_str}."

            return values

    # Check if the file exists and has a YAML extension
    path = Path(filename)
    logger.debug(f"Loading deployment configuration from {path}")
    if not path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"YAML file {path.absolute()} does not exist")
    if not (".yaml") or".yml")):
        raise ValueError(f"YAML file {path.absolute()} must have a .yaml or .yml extension")

    # Load the YAML file
    with"r") as f:
        data = yaml.safe_load(f)
    if "models" not in data:
        raise ValueError("Missing `models` specification in the YAML file")

    # Service the models
    services: List[ModelServiceSpec] = []
    for model_id, mconfig in data["models"].items():
        # Check if the model is already registered
        logger.debug(f"Checking if model is already registered [id={model_id}].")
            spec: ModelSpec = cls.load_spec(model_id)
            deployment: ModelDeploymentSpec = ModelDeploymentSpec(**mconfig.get("deployment", {}))
            logger.debug(f"Model already registered [id={model_id}, spec={spec}, deployment={deployment}]")
            services.append(ModelServiceSpec(model=spec, deployment=deployment))
            logger.debug(f"Registered service [id={model_id}, svc={services[-1]}]")
        except KeyError as e:
            logger.error(f"Failed to load model spec, model_id={model_id}, e={e}")

        # If the model_id is not previously registered, register it
        # Add the model id to the config
        mconfig.update({"id": model_id})

        # Generate the model spec from the config
            mconfig = _ModelImportConfig(**mconfig)
        except (ValidationError, PydanticUserError) as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid model config provided, filename={filename}, e={e}")

        # Register the model as a custom model
        spec = ModelSpec.from_cls(
        cls.register_spec(spec, task=TaskType.CUSTOM, resources=mconfig.deployment.resources)
        services.append(ModelServiceSpec(model=spec, deployment=mconfig.deployment))
        logger.debug(f"Registered service [id={model_id}, svc={services[-1]}]")
    return services

register_from_catalog classmethod


Register models from the catalog.

The current workflow for registering models is as follows
  • Load all .yaml files from the environment variable NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH
  • Register models from each of the catalog files (via register_from_yaml)

register_from_catalog -> register_from_yaml -> register


  • TypeError

    If NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH is not a string.

  • FileNotFoundError

    If a specified catalog file does not exist.

Source code in nos/hub/
def register_from_catalog(cls):
    """Register models from the catalog.

    The current workflow for registering models is as follows:
     - Load all .yaml files from the environment variable `NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH`
     - Register models from each of the catalog files (via `register_from_yaml`)

        `register_from_catalog` -> `register_from_yaml` -> `register`

        TypeError: If `NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH` is not a string.
        FileNotFoundError: If a specified catalog file does not exist.
    import os

    warn_msg = "register_from_catalog will be deprecated soon, use register_from_yaml instead."

    if not isinstance(NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH, str):
        raise TypeError(f"NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH must be a string, got {type(NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH)}")

    logger.debug("Loading hub models from catalog.")
    paths: List[Path] = [
        for filename in NOS_HUB_CATALOG_PATH.split(":")
        if filename.endswith(".yaml") or filename.endswith(".yml")
    logger.debug(f"Found {len(paths)} catalog files.")

    specs = []
    for path in paths:
        logger.debug(f"Loading catalog file {path}.")
        if not path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Catalog file {path} does not exist.")
        _specs = cls.register_from_yaml(str(path))
    logger.debug(f"Registered {len(specs)} models from catalog.")

nos.hub.config.NosHubConfig dataclass

NOS Hub configuration.

Source code in nos/hub/
class NosHubConfig:
    """NOS Hub configuration."""

    namespace: str
    """Namespace (repository, organization)."""
    name: str
    """Model name."""

namespace instance-attribute

namespace: str

Namespace (repository, organization).

name instance-attribute

name: str

Model name.

nos.hub.config.TorchHubConfig dataclass

PyTorch Hub configuration.

Source code in nos/hub/
class TorchHubConfig:
    """PyTorch Hub configuration."""

    repo: str
    """Repository name (e.g. pytorch/vision)."""
    model_name: str
    """Model name (e.g. resnet18)."""
    checkpoint: str = None
    """Checkpoint name (e.g. resnet18-5c106cde.pth)."""

repo instance-attribute

repo: str

Repository name (e.g. pytorch/vision).

model_name instance-attribute

model_name: str

Model name (e.g. resnet18).

checkpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

checkpoint: str = None

Checkpoint name (e.g. resnet18-5c106cde.pth).

nos.hub.config.HuggingFaceHubConfig dataclass

HuggingFace Hub configuration.

Source code in nos/hub/
class HuggingFaceHubConfig:
    """HuggingFace Hub configuration."""

    model_name: str
    """Model name (e.g. bert-base-uncased)."""
    checkpoint: str = None
    """Checkpoint name (e.g. bert-base-uncased-pytorch_model.bin)."""

model_name instance-attribute

model_name: str

Model name (e.g. bert-base-uncased).

checkpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

checkpoint: str = None

Checkpoint name (e.g. bert-base-uncased-pytorch_model.bin).